Customer experiences : Exceeding expectations

Well organized! by Business Aircraft

Find below a Business Aircraft charter flight at AB Corporate Aviation as a comic.

  • Rent a Business Aircraft allows you to save time on your trips and thus manage your schedule more serenely.
  • Be everywhere at once, both personally and professionally, without running after time.

Find out the benefits to charter a Business Aircraft by reading this episode "Well organized!"

Advantages to rent a Business Aircraft flight shown in this episode

So Philippe, still snowed under? You know that I run 2 large companies too!

Yep! Max knows it, violà, the big advantage of AB Corporate Aviation: to help you save time. You can be a top executive and still find time to play golf during the week, to go to a concert and to devote your weekends to your family. Because by traveling in our business jets, you manage to get done what would have been impossible to accomplish with traditional airlines. You choose your schedule and your roundtrip itineraries. You avoid connecting flights and unnecessary waiting. That enables you to manage your schedule as you want to. In the same week, you will have visited important customers abroad and signed strategic contracts thanks to your reactivity. Being able to reach several different destinations on the same day, without fatigue, and while having the time to prepare your files and debrief your meetings with your team in a plane reserved only for you; that is what makes the difference. And it's the best solution to find time for yourself.

Advantages of an ad hoc Business Aircraft charter flight shown in this episode

Well you know, it’s on my trips that I make up time, and effortlessly!

Too often, business trips are tiring and cause lost time. Waiting to board, time spent on connecting flights, nights over in hotels … What can be a nightmare becomes a pleasure with AB Corporate Aviation. We reserve a private aircraft only for you. Boarding is quick and discreet. You travel with your colleagues or guests that you have chosen. You can work or relax before an important negotiation. You can even modify your passenger list right up to departure time. Your private plane lands you close up to your final destination. You can reach several cities in the same day and in real comfort. The crew is at your disposal and waits for you if your meeting runs overtime. You arrive at your meetings fresh and available. And you put all your chances on your side to win the deal. For AB Corporate Aviation, each of our customers is unique, which is why, from the studies phase to flight preparation and execution, we provide customized answers to each request and reply with the utmost care.

Advantages to charter a Business Aircraft presented in this episode

Better than that, less expensive and more profitable. I drop them a line and I’ve got the aircraft I need for when and where I need it!

Reserving a business jet with AB Corporate Aviation is affordable. And consider the advantages! You don't need to be out of the office 2 days for a meeting that lasts a few hours. The flight time is productive – on board, you can prepare your meetings with your colleagues – and you arrive close up to your final destination, which helps you to save precious time. In addition, you make savings on a number of expenses since you avoid hotel expenses, meals and car rentals for you and your teams. Without counting that traveling by private jet enables you to take advantage of certain opportunities that you would have previously had to say no to. You are a manager who adds value. You optimize your time and energy to save them for critical actions. “Time is money!” So, take out your calculator and add things up. AB Corporate Aviation is a productivity tool at your disposal. And it's so easy: a simple phone call at +33 148 358 888 and our team will be called to action to reserve the aircraft that meets your needs departing from the airport of your choice, to go where you want, when you want to go.

Enjoy a unmatched experience at AB Corporate Aviation

Discover other customer advantages of Business Aircrafts Charter

Discover our Business Aircrafts Charter flights funny pictures

Traveling by private jet for business or for leisure

  • Thousands of private flights since 1986
  • Personalized service for your private jet trips
  • High quality private jet
  • Multi destinations day trip
  • Pricing without surprise