AB Corporate Aviation enables you to reach several destinations in France or in Europe in the same day, without any connecting flights, whether it be in large cities or remote locations. Thanks to the many airports available, you land close to your final destination. With AB Corporate Aviation, you choose your own schedule and destinations. And it's easy! All you need to do is to give us your schedule and tell us what your constraints are; no matter how complex, we adapt to your plans. Press relations, customer calls, subsidiaries, etc. We take care of the whole trip; you don't have to worry about schedules, reservations or your luggage. You won't be subjected to long hours of waiting or the minutiae of check-in and boarding. You can stay focused on the objectives of your trip. Thanks to AB Corporate Aviation's flexibility and reactivity, there's no need to be away for two days for an appointment of a few hours or less. And while typical long-haul flights would take you 4 or 5 days, AB Corporate Aviation can reduce this time to 2 or 3 days. This leaves you more time in the office or with your family. With stopovers, if you are late, the plane will wait for you, just like a taxi! On the other hand, you can bring your departure time forward if your meeting was shorter than planned. You only spend the time you want or need on site. You're not dependent on a plane, it's rather the plane which is at your beckon call; what a comfortable change! You save on car rentals and nights spent in hotels. Your flight time is no longer downtime. You can take advantage of it to relax, work in total confidentiality and enjoy your meals served with the quality of service found at the best restaurants. What's more, you'll no longer fear increasing your travel because with AB Corporate Aviation, it is optimized. Your clients and partners will be grateful to you. And you'll see that your travel budget will not increase. It is even probable that it may decrease.