Customer experiences : Exceeding expectations

Pilot your agenda! by Air Taxi

Here is one of our customers Air Taxi charter flights told as a cartoon.

  • This episode shows the story of a corporate leader who is facing the same constraints as you.
    Traveling to France and Europe in a tight schedule, Carine discovers the many benefits of an Air Taxi with AB Corporate Aviation.
    During a "tailored" trip and in complete confidentiality, she does not hesitate to shake her stereotypes on Air Taxi flights.
  • Far from a luxury trip reserved for elite, our business leader lives the experience of a convenient, easy and affordable way of transportation.
    You too, embark on our Air Taxi flights and gain in efficiency and serenity.

Find out the advantages to rent an Air Taxi by reading this episode "Pilot your agenda !"

Benefits of an Air Taxi flight presented in this episode

By changing the way I travel, I found the extra time that I needed. Try it quick !!

In this world in perpetual movement, company leaders have to face more and more time constraints. For them, the major stakes are accomplishing their missions while dealing with their scheduling constraints. With customers spread out over France, Europe and in the world, they are often forced to make numerous trips in the same week. By offering personalized solutions, AB Corporate Aviation makes air taxi solutions available for them. In this scenario, Isabelle had already made flights by business jet with AB Corporate Aviation. Like all of our clients who trust us, she radically changed her way of traveling. Satisfied by the time saved, she recommended to her friend the optimal solution to choose her own departure times, destinations and even the private plane the best suited specifically for her trip. By recommending AB Corporate Aviation, Isabelle, a modern business woman with good common sense, knows exactly how to increase her efficiency during business trips. With AB Corporate Aviation, private jet travel is not a luxury; it’s an efficient, simple and accessible means of transportation.

Benefits to book an Air Taxi flight presented in this episode

Ab Corporate Aviation ?...I was referred to you by Isabelle Fort from GMH Inc. I need to be in Kracow in 10 days...Do you have the solution to do that in one day ?

It’s not always simple to reconcile the time available and important meetings when you exercise a position with high responsibility. You have to be able to juggle with your priorities and very often, you have to choose. At AB Corporate Aviation, we think that choosing between two options is giving up too much, and giving up can be risky. Don’t gamble on your imperatives. Don’t give anything up. Just like the business leader in our scenario, call us and tell us about your constraints. AB Corporate Aviation really makes your life easy. From now on, you can be available for an important meeting in the west in the morning and also participate in a factory visit of one of your suppliers in the south the same evening. You are sure to be able to choose your flight times and destinations; we give you the flexibility that you lack when you travel on regular commercial airlines. We necessarily have the solution that suits you, the one that will enable you to honor all of your engagements, without stress or fatigue and with no useless waste of time. Like many business leaders that travel with AB Corporate Aviation, from now on, make sure that you think about all your objectives and gain in effectiveness.

Not surprising, it’s always simple with AB Corporate Aviation, customized and well suited !!

To meet your needs precisely and advise you optimally, the team at AB Corporate Aviation is at your service 24/7. You have to face realities that involve your presence in far-removed places. Even in a day and age of great communication via very modern virtual means, being on site to see for yourself and make human contact remains an absolute necessity. Paradoxically, your time is extremely limited and each minute devoted to your travels is very precious. AB Corporate Aviation enables you to make business trips with a productive and efficient means of transportation: the air taxi. Aware of the fact that your presence on site is indispensable, our teams take charge of the smooth running of your flight. Our goal: get you to your destination with peace of mind. Free from all of the organizational constraints linked to your trip, you are more at ease to run your meetings. Isabelle is perfectly right: traveling with AB Corporate Aviation, “is simple, customized and well adapted”.

I did my math, it’s profitable! I’ll be travelling with my team for the day!

By booking a business aircraft for you, AB Corporate Aviation offers you real guarantees for autonomy, comfort, flexibility and punctuality. For the flight plan, the schedule and the number of passengers, it’s you who decides. In fact, it’s even simpler than if you had your own aircraft. With one detail: the cost, which is much lower. AB Corporate Aviation makes available a complete range of business aircraft adapted to your mission. And you are the sole beneficiary during the time of your flight. With no subscription fees, you only pay for the flights that you make. By choosing AB Corporate Aviation, you avoid unproductive investments and you save on unnecessary expenses. Like it is said so well by the character in our cartoon, traveling with AB Corporate Aviation “is profitable!”.

Benefits of a VIP Air Taxi presented in this episode

This is nice! I arrived at Le Bourget At 8AM, take off at 8:15 !!

We agree, the airplane is the invention of the century! It is so sweet to fly above the clouds and to connect the world in a few hours! That’s fantastic! On the other hand, what is a lot less marvelous is all the waiting due to boarding, the crowds and the noise… These are inconveniences that we have all encountered one day or another. With AB Corporate Aviation, you won’t have to put up with that any longer! If you have decided to stop wasting your time in noisy airports, we can help you. AB Corporate Aviation puts an end forever to the long lines in front of baggage check-in counters and to annoying delays waiting for takeoff. With AB Corporate Aviation, you board in peace. Everything is ready as soon as you arrive at the airport and you take off at the prescribed time, with a free spirit. No need to get up in the middle of the night to take off at 8:15am. Generally speaking, one hour is enough between your departure from home or a downtown office to takeoff. And if despite everything, there are traffic jams, an unplanned meeting or whatever type of last minute imperative that forces you to be a bit late… Once again, zero stress. The plane is reserved for you. It won’t take off without you. The crew will wait for your arrival to take off. Your heart rate is normal; you can finally think about other things than your watch; you are comfortably installed… Welcome aboard, we wish you an enjoyable flight in our company!

It’s nice and quiet...let’s review the figures, reread the contract, Michel...

Comfortably installed, Karen can therefore take advantage of the flight time for a team meeting with her colleagues in total peace of mind. In peace and quiet and in total confidentiality, she and her team can review the terms of an important contract before their arrival. Far from the impersonal universe and indiscretions linked to the promiscuity of passengers on board regular commercial flights, flying with AB Corporate Aviation offers all the tranquility and comfort necessary to continue to work at the same time that you travel. Imagine your own flying meeting room… yet another asset with high added value that AB Corporate Aviation brings to you. And when our passengers arrive at destination, we are willing to bet that their competitors will not yet have taken off… And what about you? What do you say about getting “a step ahead”?

Enjoy a unmatched experience at AB Corporate Aviation

Discover other customer advantages of Air Taxis Charter

Discover our Air Taxis Charter flights funny pictures

Traveling by private jet for business or for leisure

  • Thousands of private flights since 1986
  • Personalized service for your private jet trips
  • High quality private jet
  • Multi destinations day trip
  • Pricing without surprise